A "GREEN" State of Mind

Ah, the wind gently brushes against my skin as I take in the fresh air and the scent of vegetation that surrounds me. The waterfall to my left flows vibrantly down the enormous cliff into the most beautiful indigo river. The sun tickles me with its warmth. At the moment I am one with the earth, I feel the love it radiates. This must be Eden. RING, RING, RING ... I awake to my alarm clock realizing it was all a dream. The reality is Human interruption of earth's natural process has ignited major environmental issues such as Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Hazardous Waste, Ozone Depletion, Smog, Water Pollution, and Rain Forest Destruction; decreasing the size of Eden on Earth. 

It is time for all of us to change the outlook of the planet and save what little is left of the earth's resources; give back to the Earth all that it has given to us. We must change our ways so future generations will have a cleaner world where they can breathe unpolluted air and drink clean water. Taking small steps by changing old wasteful and harmful habits into more "Green" habits sets a good example for those around you, your children, family and friends.

You are probably wondering what kind of impact you can make, after all you are only one person amongst billions. While you may not think that just one person makes a difference, think about it on a larger scale. If each of us only made a few small changes, like recycling bottles or investing in a reusable coffee travel mug, we can start to cut down on the negative effects that we have on the planet. Every little bit helps.

Today, April 16, 2011, starts the first day of Earth Week with April 22, 2011 being the designated global holiday, what's your "GREEN" State of Mind? 

Every Day is Earth Day:

Five Household Tips for Going Green
  1. Save Waste by switching from bottled water to filtered water.
  2. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth and use as little water possible when washing dishes.
  3. Recycle everything. This is the cheapest and easiest way of going green at home. All you need is two garbage cans and willingness to separate your trash.
  4. Save energy by washing laundry in cold water only
  5. Save energy and waste by switching from regular batteries to rechargeable 

By: Valene Greene 
Veluxe Interiors


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