The Psychology of Color

Have you seen the Clear Eye commercials? Ben Stein, actor, plays a character whose delivery is the most lethargic and monotone; very much resembling of rooms absent of color conveying dreadful presences. ABSOLUTELY BORING! Spice up your space with splashes of color, don’t be afraid to experiment. However, be aware that colors have psychological effects. Color should be chosen based on one’s personal taste as well as the purpose of a space.

Red is often used as an accent color, adding excitement and drama to a space. Red is also known for conveying passion, love, and energy.

Traditional Home 

Blue represents tranquility, calmness, and peace; a great color choice for bedrooms. 


Green is easy on the eye, simply due to the vast amounts of green seen in nature. It’s also soothing and alleviates depression, nervousness, and anxiety.

Traditional Home

Purple is associated with royalty, luxury, and sophistication. It is romantic and offers a sense of spirituality.

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Orange is an energetic color. It is typically used as signage due to its attention grabbing characteristics. It promotes happiness as well as stimulates appetite.

Yellow leaves a satisfying impression of cheerfulness.  The eye catching color is known to speed metabolism and stimulate the mind.

House & Home
The emotional response that color can evoke is exceptional. Hopefully this snip of information on color psychology will help with future color choices.

By Valene Greene